Sunday 12 April 2009

Strike it lucky.

Michael Barrymore is set to release a book in the coming weeks, which already is set to become a best seller in the world of 'celeb biography' as it's now known. It will of course be a best seller not because the 'my kind of people' star has any real life story that is so interesting it won't be bypassed to chapter seventeen, all we're interested in will be the infamous incident involving Stuart Lubbark.
In the book, Barrymore writes:
'You can call me a lousy entertainer, but you can't call me a killer'
Well that's fair comment I think. Somebody died at his house, in his swimming pool, at a party he was hosting. I think it only fair we say that he is a lousy entertainer. I mean I'm not Hyacinth Bucket, and I don't have a pool, but even on one of my wild entertaining parties, the police have just turned up to moan about the noise, never with a forensic team and sniffer dogs.