Thursday 26 February 2009

Desperate Dave


Am I alone in saying that I wouldn't tend to trust a middle aged man with a short shaved bleach blonde hair cut? Desperate Housewives kicked off the current season last night, with an episode entitled 'a visions just a vision' is it really? To be honest, if two gravestones came alive, I think it would be safe to say I'd gone slightly mental right? Yes the (ever so bloody long) mystery of Dave Williams continues to drag its sorry arse in amongst the great moments by the rest of the cast. Props must go to Lynette's husband who loudly proclaimed he'd give up everything to have sex with a seventeen year old, right in front of his wife. Gabby and Carlos get back to bickering with witty one liners now his sight has come back - perhaps he'll shave and dye his hair now - YOU LOOK A MESS, CLEAN UP. Susan and Mike are still on/off on/off on/off. Susan, wake up and try and move your botox filled nose, He's unblocking Catherine's sink now, get some self-respect sweetie. So we go back to psycho Dave, talking to his door and two strangers that only he can see. What has Mike Delpheeno done that is so bad? Did he buy the last bottle of hair dye before the company went bust? I think Mike became like a typical English plumber, promising to turn up and fix Dave's sink with the right parts and under budget, instead turning up at two in the afternoon with a pony. Perhaps that does justify Dave seeing two ghosts, plumbers can drive you mad.
So what is it Dave come on just tell us already - get some therapy and ditch that leather jacket you so insist on wearing?
It's beginning to grate on my nerves, all this mystery wrapped in a bottle of hair dye. Psychopaths are never that nice, and certainly unable to hold down jobs, play drums or make such nice looking cocktails. Just have it out with Mike at a band rehearsal, hug it out, then pack your bags and sod off.

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