Wednesday 18 February 2009



When you die, your body should revert to the state.
NOT MY WORDS, but the words of a Labour MP at dinner party.
Calling the idea that your body is important after you die, the MP said:
"The state should be able to do what they like with the body after a person dies. People shouldn't believe all that business of important body after life stuff, it's bol***x."
I suppose when only one in ten surgeons say that they have only ever performed several vital operations on plastic dolls it hardly fills you with confidence that they were tested on their operation skills on a board game where if you take the kidney out incorrectly a buzzer sounds off and the patients nose light up.
Also, Doctors are being encouraged to open on a Saturday, to reduce waiting times for appointments with their G.P. Isn't one of the joys of going to the Doctor that you get to have time off from work? I can see the advert now:
"If you're going to be ill, do it on a Monday"
In other health news, a woman is suing her Doctor, for the location of his surgery. The woman was told she had a terminal disease and almost instantly, fireworks went off in the field behind the surgery where they were rehearsing for a festival to be held at the weekend.
Personally speaking, I would love fireworks to go off after I received bad news, I find the power of fireworks still reduces me to giddy childlike joy.
"Chris, you've got genital warts again but ahhhh look a Catherine wheel!"

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